Daily Oral Language Worksheets

Thank you for your interest in our daily oral language project.

In stage one of the project, we are making a tool which will convert a list of correct sentences into daily oral language exercises. These will be available as printable handouts for your students.

They will be useful for quickly making exercises to revise particular grammar points, or to use DOL to revise other material, such as geography or history, whilst reinforcing grammar and spelling rules.

Please find below some early examples of these automatically produced worksheets:

The Little Red Van - spelling and capitalization errors only, grades 2-3, three mistakes per sentence

You may use the worksheets for free and share them with other teachers.  We would be grateful if you could give us feedback to make our tool more useful. If you have any texts you would like converted into DOL exercises, please send them to us.

In stage two of the project, students will be able to complete the exercises online.  The results will be automatically graded and added to your markbook.  Please contact us if you are interested in participating.