How to set a task with pictures

Create a resource with a picture:

  1. Locate a picture.  If it is on the internet, first save it to your computer by right-clicking on it and selecting 'Save image as...'
  2. Log in at  Click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  3. Enter a name for your activity
  4. Select 'Picture' from the stimulus section in the top right. 
  5. Select the picture you located in step 1.  It will now appear.
  6. Continue creating the resource as per any other of the instructions in this section.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.