Language Lab - Advanced Features

Welcome to Schoolshape!  This guide shows how to use advanced features in the Schoolshape Language Lab. For basic use of the Schoolshape platform such as setting and marking work, or organizing students and staff, see our main how-to guide.

How to supervise students

The Language Lab allows you to see exactly what every student is doing at any time.

  1. From the home screen, under 'Recent Tasks' click on the name of the task
  2. This brings up the supervise screen.  Here you can see the progress of each student through the task, including:
    • Which cloze questions they answered correctly or wrongly
    • The length of audio and video recordings
    • The first few words of each written answer
  3. If you wish to take a closer look at any student's work, simply click on the question or activity to bring it up full screen, or select the student's name from the drop-down on the left.
    To return to the overview, press the 'back' button, or select the name of the group of students from the drop-down.  This also works from the home screen, under 'Online now'.
  4. To privately message or call any student, view their past work portfolio, view their work in the markbook or to take control of their screens, simply click their name and select the corresponding option.
  5. You can communicate with all students simultaneously by
    • Clicking 'Call all students' to speak to all students.  They can continue with their work while you speak, but you will not be able to hear them speak back.
    • Clicking 'Presentation', then 'Blank screens' will temporarily hide the students' work to focus their attention on what you are saying.  They will be able to hear your voice immediately.
    • Clicking 'Presentation', then 'Start Presentation' will allow you to control all students'  screens simultaneously.  See How to supervise students for more information.  As above, they will be able to hear you speaking.
    • Use the Notice Board in the bottom left to send textual messages such as hints or errata to all students.  Each task has its own notice board, which is accessible only to students for whom the task was set.  Students can also post their own questions and opinions on the notice board if you have enabled this when setting the task.


Audio Pairing

To create pairs of students for live conversations

1. Check that two or more students are logged in.

2. On the Home Page, click “Group Discussion”
3. Select the students who will talk in pairs. They will then receive a pop-up message in the centre of their screens
4. To listen in, click the yellow arrow by the right-hand student
5. To end a pairing, click the yellow cross by the right-hand student
6. To end all pairings, click ‘Hang up all’

How to give presentations

Presentations are currently limited to materials contained within the current task - you cannot for example use powerpoint slides or project your desktop yet (though we are working on it).

  1. Tell your students to log in, then click on your task from the Home screen.
  2. You will see the task in &;student view&; to which you can add answers or hints in readiness for your presentation.
  3. Click &;Blank screens&;.  This will prevent the students from starting the task and focus their attention on your words, which they can hear through their headsets or speakers.
  4. When you and your class are ready, click &;Start Presentation&;.  The model answer in front of you will appear on all students&; screens.
  5. Give your presentation as you wish
    • Students can hear you talking, but you cannot hear them.  
    • Playing video or audio on your answer will also play it on student screens
    • Filling in examples as hints will be visible to the students
    • Students can raise questions by posting them on the notice board in the bottom right if you have allowed this when setting the task (How to supervise students).
    • Adjusting the division between the stimuli above and responses below or scrolling them up or down will cause the students&; screens to react in the same way.
  6. Click &;Release&; to allow the students to start their task.