Schoolshape Language Laboratory announce version 2.11


Schoolshape has built on the success of its Audio and Video Language Labs, developed in collaboration with 120 UK schools since 2008.


Teachers demanded an advanced language laboratory which could be operated anywhere, on any device, such as iPad, without the need for a special computer room. Operable both synchronously and/or synchronously, the lab had to be equally useful for acquiring all four language skills.



In 2013 the Schoolshape Language Lab is one of the world’s most advanced of language labs, used by thousands of teachers and learners worldwide.



Schoolshape’s unique architecture supports modern teaching methods in an easy to use package.  Differentiation and individualization is made straightforward.  An extensive library of ready-to-use language learning materials is provided for teachers and students at all levels. Our unique resource designer enables teachers to use their creativity in combining engaging materials such as YouTube videos and creative commons artwork with structured assessment.

Schoolshape users now eagerly await the rolling out of the Version 3.00 which will bring ever more sophisticated Schoolshape features onto smartphones and android tablets in addition to the existing iPad app.