CloudCaster - a collaborative recording app for MFL

Schoolshape announce the general availability of CloudCaster, a collaborative recording app.

CloudCaster enables

  • students to record themselves speaking a foreign language;
  • students to send recordings to teachers or to exchange partners for assessment;
  • recordings and assessments to be kept in student portfolios;
  • teachers to give feedback via text or by recording audio; and
  • "penfriend conversations", whereby a student and his/her exchange partner can practice their speaking skills by recording a conversation together over a period of time, one sentence at a time.

CloudCaster currently functions on Chrome, Firefox and Android, and will be made available on iOS in the near future.

CloudCaster is available for free to everyone with standard audio quality.  Higher audio quality along with management and supervision tools are available to subscribers.

To try CloudCaster now, visit and select "Speak"