How-To Guide

Welcome to Schoolshape's How-To Guide.

For general questions about Schoolshape, please see the FAQ.
For technical trouble-shooting, please see the technical information page.

To view any of the guides, just click on one of the links below.
If you would like a paper copy, click on the guide you require, scroll down the page to find 'Printer-friendly version'; Click on this, wait for the document to load, press Control-P to bring up the printer window and press 'Print'.

If you still cannot find the answer to your query, please contact us.

Get started in 5 minutes

Set a speaking task:

  1. Click 'Speaking'
  2. Type 'Talk about your family' into the instructions box provided.
  3. Click 'Set' to set the work for your students.

Add some students:

  1. Enter '123' for the password
  2. Paste these names into the box provided and click 'Set'
          Johnny Allbright
          Mary Challinor
  3. Click 'OK' on the confirmation dialogue that appears. You will now see 'Speaking activity' as the only task in your task list.

Pretend to be the student and do the work:

  1. Click 'Home', then 'Log out'  (or go to on another computer)
  2. Enter the student's name and password ('123') and click 'Log in'
  3. Click the round 'Record' button, wait till 'Recording' is displayed, then record a few sentences in the target language.
  4. Click the square 'Stop' button when finished
  5. Click 'Hand in'

Assess the student's work:

  1. Log out of the student's account and log in as yourself once more
  2. Click 'Speaking activity' under 'Handed In'
  3. Click the triangular play button to hear the student's work
  4. Give feedback in the box provided and click 'Hand work back to student' or 'Student to redo work'.


Next step

Prepare a list of your students’ names and set a simple reading, writing, listening or speaking task for them. Bear in mind that the amount of recording space for speaking tasks is limited in the free version, but there are no limitations on the other tasks.


Other suggestions

Browse the Resources Library for tasks ready to set.

Create your own resources and share them with other teachers


How to create resources and set tasks

 To set a task, you must first create or choose a resource.  Then, you may set it as a task for any number of students.

How to set a listening task

Creating a listening task:

  1. Log in at and click 'Listening'.
  2. The default name for the task is 'Listening activity'.  Highlight this to edit.
  3. Enter instructions for the students above the audio player.
  4. Input your listening materials

Specifying how students should respond: 

  1. To set questions requiring written answers, click 'Text' under 'Response' in the right hand panel.
  2. To set automatically marked multiple choice questions click 'Multiple Choice'.
  3. Other kinds of activity may be created similarly.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.




How to set a speaking task

Creating a speaking task:

  1. Log in at and click 'Speaking'.
  2. The default name for the task is 'Speaking activity'.  Highlight this to edit.
  3. Enter general instructions for the task in the space above the audio player.
  4. Adjust the time limit for student recordings if desired.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.


If the task is for homework, first check with students that they have microphones at home (most laptops, tablets and smartphones have these built in).  You may wish to loan a small number of these from the IT department to hand out to students who don't have them at home.

Please bear in mind that if you are using the free version, the amount of recording space is limited.


How to set a reading task

Create a reading task:

  1. Log in at and click 'Reading'.
  2. The default name for the task is 'Reading activity'.  Highlight this to edit.
  3. Enter your instructions in the space provided. You can paste the entire reading text here, or simply enter a textbook page reference.  You can also add a link to any resource on the internet. How to add a link

Specifying how students should respond: 

  1. To set questions requiring written answers, click 'Text' under 'Response' in the right hand panel.
  2. To set automatically marked multiple choice questions click 'Multiple Choice'.
  3. Other kinds of activity may be created similarly.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.





How to set a writing task

Creating a writing task:

  1. Log in at and click 'Writing'.
  2. The default name for the task is 'Writing activity'.  Highlight this to edit.
  3. Enter instructions for the students in the space provided
  4. To add pictures, video or audio, drag the corresponding icons in the right hand panel onto the canvas.




How to use a Youtube video

Add a Youtube video as a stimulus:

  1. Find an appropriate video on Youtube, and copy the address in the URL bar (Ctrl-c)
  2. Log in at  Click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  3. Enter a name for your activity
  4. Select Flash Animation' from the palette on the right.  A new activity should appear.
  5. Click 'from Web', paste the address (Ctrl-v) into the box provided and click 'OK'.
  6. The Youtube video should appear on the screen.

Specifying how students should respond: 

  1. To set questions requiring written answers, click 'Text' under 'Response' in the right hand panel.
  2. To set automatically marked multiple choice questions click 'Multiple Choice'.
  3. Other kinds of activity may be created similarly.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.



How to set a gap fill task

Creating an automatically marked gap-fill task from an existing text:

  1. Find an appropriate text, select and copy it (Ctrl-c)
  2. Log in at  Click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  3. Enter a name for your activity
  4. Select 'Gap Fill' from the palette on the right.  A new activity should appear.
  5. Click into the new activity and paste the text (Ctrl-v)
  6. Double-click on a word you wish students to enter, or drag the mouse to select just a few letters
  7. Click 'Add Gap'
  8. Repeat 6 and 7 as necessary

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.




How to set a drag and drop task

Creating an automatically marked drag and drop task from an existing text:

  1. Find an appropriate text, select and copy it (Ctrl-c)
  2. Log in at  Click 'Set Work' then 'Create Resource'.
  3. Enter a name for your activity
  4. Select 'Gap Fill' from the palette on the right.  A new activity should appear.
  5. Click into the new activity and paste the text (Ctrl-v)
  6. Double-click on a word you wish students to locate, or drag the mouse to select just a few letters
  7. Click 'Add Gap'
  8. Repeat 6 and 7 as necessary
  9. Click the small blue spanner in the top right corner of the gap fill activity.  Select 'Drag and drop'.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.




How to set a picture labelling task

Creating an automatically marked picture labelling activity:

  1. Find an appropriate picture.  If it is on the internet, first save it to your computer by right-clicking on the picture and selecting 'Save image as...' (or similar, depending on your computer's setup).
  2. Log in at  Click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  3. Enter a name for your activity
  4. Select 'Picture labelling' from the palette on the right.  A new activity should appear.
  5. Click on 'Click here to choose a picture...'
  6. Locate and select the picture you saved earlier.
  7. Wait for the 'Uploading...' progress bar to complete.  The picture will now display.
  8. To add a label, click on the location you wish it to appear.
  9. Fill in the correct answer, and press Enter.
  10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 as necessary.
  11. If you wish incorrect capitalization to be marked wrong, click the little blue spanner in the top right of the picture, and choose 'Case sensitive'.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.




How to create a new resource


  1. From the Home screen, click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  2. Insert activities by clicking on the buttons in the right hand panel, or dragging them onto the canvas.
  3. The activities under 'Stimulus' present information to the student:
    1. Instructions for the students 
      1. Click into the white box and paste or type the required text into it.
      2. You can use the pop-up panel on the left to change fonts, styles, external links and input foreign accents
      3. This is also useful for providing reading materials.
    2. Audio Stimulus allows you to enter a listening exercise or audio instructions.
      1. Record or upload the audio
      2. Above the audio player is an area where you can input extra instructions for your students
    3. Video Stimulus is as for 'Audio Stimulus' above, but the recording has an accompanying video. 
    4. Picture Stimulus allows you to insert a picture such as a map or diagram for your students to view.  'Click here to upload a picture' and choose a picture from your computer.
  4. The activities under 'Response' require the student to do work which is returned to you for assessment.
    1. Text Answer requires the student to input text, such as a short essay or series of example sentences.  They will have access to foreign accents for input.
    2. Audio Answer requires the student to record a stretch of audio, such as a dialogue in the target language.  They can record directly online using a microphone plugged into the computer, or using an external device such as a mobile phone, and upload the sound onto the computer afterwards.
      1. Set the time limit for the recording.  This will save you assessment time, and encourages the student to record a concise answer.
      2. Input any additional instructions for the student in the box provided.
    3. Video Answer is as for 'Audio answer' above, but the student can also record video.  This is useful for many engaging language learning activities.
    4.  Multiple Choice requires the students to answer a multiple choice question
      1. Enter the question on the first line
      2. Input each option in the boxes provided
      3. Click 'Add option' to add another option, and remove an option by clicking the blue cross next to it.
      4. Select 'Students can select more than one answer' if there is more than one correct answer.  To get points for the question, students must select all correct answers.
      5. Select the correct answer(s) by clicking on the radio button next to them.
      6. The default is to award one point for each correct answer. To change this, click on the grading box, then enter a new number of marks.
  5. Decide on a marking scheme for the activity. The default is 'Total Sum' for automarked activities, and 'Comment Only' for text, audio and video responses.  If you are happy with this, proceed to the next step.  Otherwise, click on the grading menu to the right of the name of the resource to change it
    1. Comment Only: - qualitative assessment only.
    2. Mark out of: - a mark out of a fixed total, including percentages
    3. Grade A-E: free form grade entry, allowing A+, A*, A/B etc
    4. Custom grading: allows complex multiple criteria schemes
    5. Total Sum: adds up marks from all student responses and displays the total. 
  6. If you have more than one student respose, you will also be able to set the grading for each individually in a similar way, using the orange grading menu in the bottom right of the activity.
  7. The resource is automatically saved.  You can find it by clicking 'Set Work' then 'My Resources' from the Home screen.
  8. Click 'Set' in the top right to set the resource for your students immediately.


Directing students to other places on the internet

 You can direct students to other pages on the internet as follows:

1. In Resource Design View, choose 'Text'

2. Type some text, such as 'Go to this link',  

3. Highlight the word or words you want to be the link, by dragging over a word with your mouse.

4. Click the hypertext tool from the row of symbols below.

5. Enter the address of the required target page


How to create an audio gap fill (prompt and response) task

Audio Gap Fill supports 'Repeat after me' and dialogue style exercises. They offer a better way of creating exercises that would have been solved using two cassette players in the old language labs. When creating a new exercise, choose 'Audio Gap Fill' from the right-hand palette.

  • Hit the round 'record' button, record the first prompt and then click the square 'Stop' button. You will see the wave form and a 'gap' appear for the students to record in.
  • Hit record again to create the second prompt.
  • When done, you may test the exercise from the student's point of view by selecting 'Student answer view'. Schoolshape will play the first prompt, and then automatically start recording the student's response. It will detect when the student has finished speaking, and play the next prompt automatically.
  • If background noise interferes with the automatic detection, the student can hit the stop button at any time to proceed to the next prompt. They can also go back and re-record earlier sections if they wish.

How to set a task with a video response

Creating a task in which students must record a video:

  1. Log in at  Click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  2. Enter a name for your activity
  3. Select 'Video' from the response section in the bottom right.  A video screen should appear.
  4. Click into the text box above the video and enter instructions for the students
  5. Adjust the time limit for student recordings as desired using the up and down arrows on the video screen.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.


If the task is set for homework, first check with students that they have microphones and webcams at home (most laptops, tablets and smartphones have both built in).  You may wish to loan a small number of these from the IT department to hand out to students who don't have them at home.

Please bear in mind that if you are using the free version or audio language lab, the amount of recording space is limited.

How to set a task with a video stimulus

Adding video to a resource:

  1. Log in at  Click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  2. Enter a name for your activity
  3. Select 'Video' from the stimulus section in the top right.  A video screen should appear.  Now either:
  4. Record the video yourself:
    1. Ensure there is a webcam connected to your computer
    2. Click the round record button.
    3. If a permissions window opens, click 'Allow', 'Remember', then 'Close'.
    4. Wait until the message below the video changes from 'Preparing...' to 'Recording...'
    5. Record your video and press the square stop button when finished.
  5. OR upload the video from another source:
    1. Click the triangular eject button in the bottom right hand corner of the video
    2. Select a video file in mp3 or flv format.  If you are unsure how to do this, ask your IT department for help.
  6. OR see How to Insert YouTube videos
  7. Continue creating the resource as per any other of the instructions in this section.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.




How to set a task with pictures

Create a resource with a picture:

  1. Locate a picture.  If it is on the internet, first save it to your computer by right-clicking on it and selecting 'Save image as...'
  2. Log in at  Click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  3. Enter a name for your activity
  4. Select 'Picture' from the stimulus section in the top right. 
  5. Select the picture you located in step 1.  It will now appear.
  6. Continue creating the resource as per any other of the instructions in this section.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.




Sharing Tasks with Colleagues in your School

To share your resources with teachers on the staff list, click the tab 'More' (next to the tab 'Students') on the 'Edit Task' screen when setting a task.

Just select the name of the teacher with whom you wish to share the task and a yellow tick will appear.

Guidelines on copyright and using pictures from the internet

If you are creating resources for use with your students or for publicly sharing with other teachers for use with their students:

  • You may use material from the internet (eg: Google images, Youtube) and may alter them as you see fit as your resource will be covered under copyright 'fair use' in most countries.  However, we advise that:
    • You should not use images that are expressly being sold online, such as from stock photo sites
    • On receiving a request from the copyright owner, we will give them the benefit of the doubt and temporarily remove the resource until the issue is settled.  We will notify you if this occurs.

If you are creating resources you intend to sell for profit:

  • You must ensure that the copyright for the material permits you to reuse and sell it.  Eg: creative commons material, or material where you have written permission from the copyright holder.

Organizing students and staff

How to add students and groups

A. To enter new students and new groups:

  1. From your Home screen, click 'Admin' -> 'Students' 
  2. Click 'Enter Students'
  3. Type in a name for this group
  4. Enter a default password* (eg 123) for your students 
  5. Paste or type in the names and click 'Next' 
  6. Check that the students' details are correct and edit as required. Click 'Confirm'
  7. To enter another group of new students, click 'Add Group' and follow steps 3-6

* The default password (which you set yourself) is a requirement for all students in the Schoolshape system.  Students of Language Lab users are required to change the password the first time they log in.  Students of Examination Entry users do not log in themselves and therefore will not need to use the password.

B. To add new students to an existing group:

  1. From your Home screen, click 'Admin' -> 'Students' 
  2. Select the group to which you wish to add students
  3. Click 'Edit' and select 'Add new students'
  4. Paste or type in the names of the new students. Enter a default password* for them and click 'Next'
  5. Check that the students' details are correct and edit as required. Click 'Confirm'

C. To add existing** students to an existing group: 

  1. From your Home screen, click 'Admin' -> 'Students' 
  2. Select the group to which you wish to add students
  3. Click 'Edit'-> 'Add Students'
  4. Select 'Existing students' and tick the required names. Click 'OK' 

**Existing students are those who are already listed 'All Students'

How to create and organize student groups

 If you have not yet entered the names of any students, please first see How to enter new students into your school.

'All Students' is a list of all students in your school that use Schoolshape and is not necessarily a teaching group. If a student is placed another group, his/her name is retained in 'All Students'.

First, from the home page, click 'Admin', then 'Students'.

How to create a group by adding names from 'All Students' (or other existing group):

  1. Click 'Add Group'
  2. Enter the name of the group and an initial password
  3. Click 'Existing Students'
  4. Tick the students you wish to move into your new group and click 'OK'

How to create a group by adding names of new students:

  1. By 'Groups' click 'Add'
  2. Enter the name of the group and an initial password
  3. Enter the names of your new students and click 'next'
  4. Check your students' details. Click a name and edit if necessary.
  5. Click 'Confirm'

How to change the name of a group:

  1. Select the group you wish to rename.  Above the list of pupils there an editable box containing the name of the group.
  2. Click into this box and change the name, as required.

How to move a student from 'All Students' into another group:

  1. Click on the group, 'All Students'
  2. Click on the student to be moved.
  3. From the drop-down box 'Move to...' , select the group to which you wish to move the student.

(Alternatively, you can drag the student into the required group in the list on the left)
NB: The student's name will be retained in 'All Students'

How to move a student from one group into another:

  1. Click on the group where the student is presently placed.
  2. Click on the student to be moved.
  3. From the drop-down box 'Move to...' , select the group to which you wish to transfer the student.

How to remove a student from a group:

  1. Click on the group where the student is presently placed.
  2. Click on the student to be removed.
  3. Click  'More' -> 'Remove from ......'

NB. This will delete the student from the group, but not from your school. The student's name will be retained in the base group, 'All Students'.

How to remove a student from your school:

  1. Click on the group, 'All Students'
  2. Click on the student to be removed.
  3. Click 'More' and then 'delete'

NB: This deletes the student and all his work.

How to add another teacher

 To add a further teacher to your Schoolshape account:

  1. From the home page click 'Admin' then 'Staff Details'.
  2. Click 'Add new' and fill in the details.
  3. If you wish to give the teacher the right to add and remove other teachers and control your school's Schoolshape account, tick 'is an administrator'
  4. If the teacher is required to moderate Common Entrance exams submitted by prep schools, tick 'is an exam moderator'
  5. Click 'OK'


How to create a master group and sub-groups

To create a master group containing sub-groups like this:
Mr A's Groups
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3

Log in as usual, click Admin -> Students

Create the sub-groups first

  1. Click ‘Add’ in the left-hand column ‘Groups’
  2. Type in a name (eg Group 1) and a password for the students
  3. To add new students, paste or type the names into the box, click ‘Next’ and ‘Confirm’ or click ‘Existing Students’ to select from All Students (or other existing group) and click ‘OK’
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to create more sub-groups (eg Group 2, Group 3)

Then create the master group

  1. Click ‘Add’ in the left-hand column ‘Groups’
  2. Type in a name (eg Mr A’s Groups) and a password for the students
  3. Click ‘Existing Students’ and use the drop-down to select Group 1
  4. Click ‘Select all’ and ‘OK’
  5. In the left-hand column, drag Group 2 and then Group 3 into Mr A’s Groups.

To make any adjustments, you can select the whole group or individual students and click ‘Move to..’ in the bottom right hand corner. Click ‘more’ for options to ‘remove’ or ‘delete’.

How to reorganize student groups at the start of a new academic year

  1. From the home screen, click 'Admin' -> 'Students'.
  2. Organize your students into year groups:
    1. To create a group for each school year, click 'Add Group' then 'Existing students'. Fill in a name for the group (eg. 'Yr8 2013-14'),
    2. Select the students to be put in this new group, then click 'OK'.  If the names you require are not listed in 'Existing students', then select 'New Students' and type or paste them in.
    3. Repeat steps a and b until all groups and students are organized by year.
  3. Release 'graduating' students from your school:
    1. Select the group containing students who have now left your school.
    2. Click on the students you wish to 'graduate'.  (To select all the students in a group, click on the first one,  then shift-click on the last one).  
    3. Select 'Edit', then 'Graduate students'.  Click 'Graduate students' again to confirm.
    4. To delete an empty group that is no longer relevant, select it, click 'Edit', then 'Delete group'.  For example, if your year 8 have just graduated, and you have sub-groups '8A', '8B' and '8C‘ within year 8, you can delete these 3 sub groups, leaving the year 8 group empty. 
      NB:  CE Speaking Tests of 'graduated' students will remain accessible to the teacher/examiner in 'Past Exams'.   All other data is retained by Schoolshape for student reference only, until s/he is registered with a new school.
  4. To add students who have just joined your school, select a group, click 'Edit'->'Add students'.
  5. If you have any queries,  please contact us .


How to reset staff passwords

 To do this, your schoolshape account must have administrator privileges.  This will already be the case if you were the first teacher to register your school.

  1. From the home page click 'Admin' then 'Staff'.
  2. Select the teacher from the list
  3. Click 'Edit', then 'Reset Password'
  4. Enter a new password for the member of staff.  They will be prompted to change this next time they log in.


Suggested grouping for tasks tailored to individuals (example: learning a poem)

Your master group will contain the names of all the students learning a poem, so give it a suitable title, eg. Eisteddfod Entrants.

The sub-groups will contain the students learning a particular poem, so give each group a suitable title, eg. Mon Petit Chat Group.

Note: There may be only one student in each group, but there can be any number of sub-groups within the master group.

The structure will appear as a drop-down like this:

  • Eisteddfod Entrants
    • Mon Petit Chat Group
    • La Pendule Group
    • Mes Amis Group
    • etc

To create this structure:

  1. Log in and click Admin -> Students
  2. Create the sub-groups first
    1. Click ‘Add’ in the left-hand column ‘Groups’
    2. Type in a name (eg Mon Petit Chat Group) and a password for the students
    3. To add new students (or a single student) paste or type the names into the box, click ‘Next’ and ‘Confirm’ or click ‘Existing Students’ to select from All Students (or other existing group) and click ‘OK’
    4. Repeat steps 1-3 to create more sub-groups (eg La Pendule Group, Mes Amis Group)
  3. Now create the master group
    1. Click ‘Add’ in the left-hand column ‘Groups’
    2. Type in a name (eg Eisteddfod Entrants) and a password for the students
    3. Click ‘Existing Students’ and use the drop-down to select Mon Petit Chat Group
    4. Click ‘Select all’ and ‘OK’
    5. In the left-hand column, drag La Pendule Group and then Mes Amis Group into Eisteddfod Entrants.

To make any adjustments, you can select the whole group or individual students and click ‘Move to..’ in the bottom right hand corner. You can also click ‘more’ for options to ‘remove’ or ‘delete’.


How to change students' passwords

  1.  On the Students Screen, select the student's name.
  2. To select multiple students, hold down the control or shift key while clicking
  3. Click 'Edit', then 'Reset Password'
  4. Enter a temporary password for the student, and click 'OK'
  5. Tell the students their new password.  They will be prompted to change it when they next log in.

Tips for using audio

Mac users experiencing problems recording may consult the following user-provided guide:

Schoolshape Audio Recording on Macs

Otherwise, see:

How to adjust the microphone level

Recording on Schoolshape

Schoolshape recommends using a good microphone, such as the Logitech AK5370, which is available at low cost from online stores, such as Amazon.
It is essential to check that your computer recognises the microphone you intend to use for your examination.  Schoolshape strongly advises you to do test recordings until you are satisfied with the clarity of the playback.
NB Laptops often have built-in microphones which the computer will use by default, unless you make the necessary adjustments.  

We recommend you to optimise your Schoolshape recordings by increasing the microphone input volume both within Schoolshape and also in your computer operating system.

1. Setting the microphone level on your computer:

a. Using a PC, with the  Windows 7 Operating System

->  Start
->  Control Panel
->  'Hardware and Sound'
->  'Sound'
->  Select the 'Recording' tab
->  Select your microphone
->  Select the 'Levels' tab and drag the microphone volume slider to the level required.

b.  Using a PC, with the  Windows XP Operating System

->  Start
->  Control Panel
->  'Sounds, Speech + Audio Devices'
->  'Adjust the system volume'
->  Click on the 'Audio' tab
->  Under 'sound recording', select the correct microphone (eg. AK5370)
->  Click on the 'Volume' tab and drag the volume slider to the desired level 
->  Check that the 'mute' box is unticked

c.  Using an Apple Mac Computer

->  Click the apple symbol at the top left-hand corner of your screen
->  Select 'system preferences'
->  Click 'sound'
->  Select the microphone you have plugged into your computer
->  Drag the 'input volume' slider as far to the right as possible

2. Setting the microphone level within Schoolshape:

->   Right click anywhere in Schoolshape
->   Select 'settings' from the drop-down
->   Click on the microphone symbol
->   Increase the input volume by dragging the slider to the right

Recording Quality
Schoolshape has been specifically designed to produce high quality recordings.
If your recording quality is unsatisfactory, please consider the following three areas:

1. Microphone tips
a Use a good quality microphone, plugged into the computer.  Ensure that it is fairly close to the student's mouth whilst recording.
b Check that you have selected the correct microphone by following the instructions above.  It is possible to plug in a good microphone, but not select it - so the recording is made through the computer's poor quality, built-in microphone! 
c It is well worth experimenting with different volume levels. (A high input level will help with the playback  volume, but may pick up unwanted background sound, for example)

2. Sound card
If your computer is low priced or old, it may have poor integrated sound.  Try switching to a different machine.

3. Background Noise
Choose a quiet environment with no background hum or buzz.  Place the microphone away from the whirring of the computer fan or hard disk.

If hardware problems persist, please ask your IT support staff for help.

General Advice for examinations:
We strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the software by using it for a mock or practice examination.
If this is not possible, please be sure to do some test recordings before the actual examination.


How to record from a tape onto Schoolshape

Instructions to move audio from a tape recorder onto Schoolshape.  We are considering introducing a postal service to cope with this need, so if you find yourself doing this frequently, please contact us.

  1. Connect the tape recorder 'line out' to computer 'line in' socket using cable (with minijack or phono connectors)
  2. Start up the recording software on computer, such as Audacity or Windows Sound Recorder
  3. Check input volume for 'line in' in 'Sounds, Speech + Audio Devices'
  4. Click 'record' in your recording program on your computer and press 'play' on tape recorder
  5. When the recording is finished, click 'stop' in your recording program on your computer, and save the file as mp3, e.g. 'Katie Jones.mp3'.
  6. In Schoolshape, navigate to the screen where you want to use the recording.  The Schoolshape recorder/player should be displayed.
  7. In the bottom right corner of the Schoolshape recorder/player, click the spanner and then 'Upload' and navigate to the .mp3 file you wish to insert.

Language Lab - Advanced Features

Welcome to Schoolshape!  This guide shows how to use advanced features in the Schoolshape Language Lab. For basic use of the Schoolshape platform such as setting and marking work, or organizing students and staff, see our main how-to guide.

How to supervise students

The Language Lab allows you to see exactly what every student is doing at any time.

  1. From the home screen, under 'Recent Tasks' click on the name of the task
  2. This brings up the supervise screen.  Here you can see the progress of each student through the task, including:
    • Which cloze questions they answered correctly or wrongly
    • The length of audio and video recordings
    • The first few words of each written answer
  3. If you wish to take a closer look at any student's work, simply click on the question or activity to bring it up full screen, or select the student's name from the drop-down on the left.
    To return to the overview, press the 'back' button, or select the name of the group of students from the drop-down.  This also works from the home screen, under 'Online now'.
  4. To privately message or call any student, view their past work portfolio, view their work in the markbook or to take control of their screens, simply click their name and select the corresponding option.
  5. You can communicate with all students simultaneously by
    • Clicking 'Call all students' to speak to all students.  They can continue with their work while you speak, but you will not be able to hear them speak back.
    • Clicking 'Presentation', then 'Blank screens' will temporarily hide the students' work to focus their attention on what you are saying.  They will be able to hear your voice immediately.
    • Clicking 'Presentation', then 'Start Presentation' will allow you to control all students'  screens simultaneously.  See How to supervise students for more information.  As above, they will be able to hear you speaking.
    • Use the Notice Board in the bottom left to send textual messages such as hints or errata to all students.  Each task has its own notice board, which is accessible only to students for whom the task was set.  Students can also post their own questions and opinions on the notice board if you have enabled this when setting the task.


Audio Pairing

To create pairs of students for live conversations

1. Check that two or more students are logged in.

2. On the Home Page, click “Group Discussion”
3. Select the students who will talk in pairs. They will then receive a pop-up message in the centre of their screens
4. To listen in, click the yellow arrow by the right-hand student
5. To end a pairing, click the yellow cross by the right-hand student
6. To end all pairings, click ‘Hang up all’

How to give presentations

Presentations are currently limited to materials contained within the current task - you cannot for example use powerpoint slides or project your desktop yet (though we are working on it).

  1. Tell your students to log in, then click on your task from the Home screen.
  2. You will see the task in &;student view&; to which you can add answers or hints in readiness for your presentation.
  3. Click &;Blank screens&;.  This will prevent the students from starting the task and focus their attention on your words, which they can hear through their headsets or speakers.
  4. When you and your class are ready, click &;Start Presentation&;.  The model answer in front of you will appear on all students&; screens.
  5. Give your presentation as you wish
    • Students can hear you talking, but you cannot hear them.  
    • Playing video or audio on your answer will also play it on student screens
    • Filling in examples as hints will be visible to the students
    • Students can raise questions by posting them on the notice board in the bottom right if you have allowed this when setting the task (How to supervise students).
    • Adjusting the division between the stimuli above and responses below or scrolling them up or down will cause the students&; screens to react in the same way.
  6. Click &;Release&; to allow the students to start their task.

Using Online Examinations

If you don't have a password yet, see How to register your school.

How to register

If you have used Schoolshape before (at an induction meeting, for instance) your school will already be registered. Go straight to Using Online Examinations.

If another teacher in your school is using Schoolshape, you should ask them to add you to the account.

To register a new school:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the details requested
  3. Tick 'I agree to the terms and conditions' and click 'Next'
  4. Click 'Examination Entry'
  5. Click one of the 'Place order' buttons, then
    1. To order examination entry only, choose all languages you will enter this year.
    2. To order the language lab and receive unlimited examination entries at no extra charge, select the number of teachers who will be using it this year.
    3. Click 'Place Order'
  6. In the 'Select Payment Method' screen the option, 'Instruct your bursar to settle the account' has already been ticked. Click 'Next'
  7. Fill in your bursar's email address and click 'Next'
  8. An email with your order details and payment instructions will be sent automatically to your bursar.  Click 'OK'
  9. When the order has been paid, you will receive notification by email, and you and your students will be able to access the language lab at


How to conduct an examination

  1. Log in at and click 'Exams'.
  2. Select the exam you wish to enter from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the group of students you wish to enter from the drop-down list.
    If you have not yet entered students into the system, see these instructions
  4. Select a senior school (or 'self-moderated')  from the drop-down list. Click 'OK'
    To conduct the May 2017 CE exam, you will not be able to proceed until 15 May 2017.
  5. The 'Sound Check'  is now displayed.  Plug in a microphone and do a test recording:
    1. Click the round button 'record' and check that the recording cursor is moving.
    2. Speak for a few seconds and click the square button 'stop'. The recording is now saved.
    3. To check the recording, click the forward arrow-head 'play'
    4. If you wish to redo the recording, click 'record'. In the 'Are you sure...?' message, click 'OK'
    5. This recording should be CD quality at a clearly audible level. If not, see Adjusting your microphone level or ask your IT support to check this for you.
    6. Click 'Go to exam'.
  6. Select the first candidate on your list and record the examination as above.
  7. Either fill in your marks straight away, or continue your exams and return to mark later.
  8. Your recordings and marks will be automatically made acessible to the senior school moderators at the end of the CE Speaking Tests week.



How to conduct a mock/practice examination

  1. Log in at and click 'Exams'.
  2. Click 'Choose Exam' and select the Practice Exam you wish to conduct from the drop-down list.
  3. Click 'Choose group' and select a group of students from the drop-down list.  If you have not yet entered students into the system, see How to enter students
  4. The Sound Check screen will now be displayed.  Plug in a microphone and do a test recording:
    1. Click the round 'record' button and check that the recording cursor is moving.
    2. Speak for a few seconds, then click the square 'stop' button. The recording is now saved.
    3. To check the recording, click the forward arrow-head 'play'.
    4. If you wish to redo the recording, click the red button once more. 
    5. The recording should be CD quality at a clearly audible level.  If not, see How to adjust your microphone level or ask your IT support to check this for you.
    6. Click 'Go to exam'.
  5. Select any candidate on your list and record the examination as above.
  6. If you later wish to conduct another mock examination with the same group of students, follow steps 1-4.  Then, on the 'Conduct Exam' screen, click 'Start new exam'.  



How to adjust the microphone level

Recording on Schoolshape

Schoolshape recommends using a good microphone, such as the Logitech AK5370, which is available at low cost from online stores, such as Amazon.
It is essential to check that your computer recognises the microphone you intend to use for your examination.  Schoolshape stongly advises you to do test recordings until you are satisfied with the clarity of the playback.
NB Laptops often have built-in microphones which the computer will use by default, unless you make the necessary adjustments.  

We recommend you to optimise your Schoolshape recordings by increasing the microphone input volume both within Schoolshape and also in your computer operating system.

1. Setting the microphone level on your computer:

a. Using a PC, with the  Windows 7 Operating System

->  Start
->  Control Panel
->  'Hardware and Sound'
->  'Sound'
->  Select the 'Recording' tab
->  Select your microphone
->  Select the 'Levels' tab and drag the microphone volume slider to the level required.

b.  Using a PC, with the  Windows XP Operating System

->  Start
->  Control Panel
->  'Sounds, Speech + Audio Devices'
->  'Adjust the system volume'
->  Click on the 'Audio' tab
->  Under 'sound recording', select the correct microphone (eg. AK5370)
->  Click on the 'Volume' tab and drag the volume slider to the desired level 
->  Check that the 'mute' box is unticked

c.  Using an Apple Mac Computer

->  Click the apple symbol at the top left-hand corner of your screen
->  Select 'system preferences'
->  Click 'sound'
->  Select the microphone you have plugged into your computer
->  Drag the 'input volume' slider as far to the right as possible

2. Setting the microphone level within Schoolshape:

->   Right click anywhere in Schoolshape
->   Select 'settings' from the drop-down
->   Click on the microphone symbol
->   Increase the input volume by dragging the slider to the right

Recording Quality
Schoolshape has been specifically designed to produce high quality recordings. 
If your recording quality is unsatisfactory, please consider the following three areas:

1. Microphone tips
a Use a good quality microphone, plugged into the computer.  Ensure that it is fairly close to the student's mouth whilst recording.
b Check that you have selected the correct microphone by following the instructions above.  It is possible to plug in a good microphone, but not select it - so the recording is made through the computer's poor quality, built-in microphone! 
c It is well worth experimenting with different volume levels. (A high input level will help with the playback  volume, but may pick up unwanted background sound, for example)

2. Sound card 
If your computer is low priced or old, it may have poor integrated sound.  Try switching to a different machine.

3. Background Noise
Choose a quiet environment with no background hum or buzz.  Place the microphone away from the whirring of the computer fan or hard disk.

If hardware problems persist, please ask your IT support staff for help.

General Advice:
We strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the software by using it for a mock or practice examination. 
If this is not possible, please be sure to do some test recordings before the actual examination.



How to moderate an examination

  1. Log in at
    (To receive a new password, click 'Lost password?' or contact us).
  2. Click 'Exams'.  
  3. On the left of the moderation screen is a list of schools with the names of their candidates.
  4. Select any candidate and click the triangular button to play his/her recording.  You may pause or stop at any time during playback.
  5. In the timeline the small, round yellow cursor can be dragged to any position in the recording. 
  6. Below the player are the comments and marks awarded by the candidate's teacher.  Edit the marks, as required. The original marks will then appear in brackets.
  7. If you wish to make a general comment, click on the name of the school and type in the 'Moderator's Comment' box.
  8. If you wish to send feedback on an individual performance, type next to the headings: 'Quality of recording', 'Candidate's performance', 'Quality of marking', 'Examiner's contribution' and 'Additional comments'
  9. Click 'Finish' to save your moderation.  However, this will still be saved automatically.
  10. To move on to another candidate, either click on a name or click 'Next'.
  11. To check or redo any of your moderations, click on the candidate's name once more.


How to remove the installable version (no longer required)

Due to restrictions imposed by school networks, we have discontinued the installable version which has been replaced with a new online version.

To remove, click "Start -> Programs -> Schoolshape -> Uninstall" and follow on screen instructions.  When it has been removed, you can log in to check your exams and moderations or use the Schoolshape language lab on the web at

How to renew your examination entry subscription

  1. From the Home screen, click 'Admin', then 'Subscription'
  2. Click 'Renew Subscription'
  3. Select either 'Online Examination Entry only' or ‘Language Lab’.  Examination entry is included free of charge with the Language Lab, representing better value for money, especially if you have a large number of candidates.
    1. 'Online Examination Entry only': click the button corresponding to the approximate number of candidates who will be taking the exams, and click 'Place Order'.
    2. 'Language Lab': adjust the end date to July 1st next year, and click 'Place Order'
  4. Follow onscreen instructions to send an invoice to your bursar or settle the account yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following is information for teachers. If you are interested in technical information, please see Information for IT staff.

Q: Do I need to subscribe in order to use Schoolshape?

No subscription is necessary.  You have three choices:

1. No Signup

You are free to use Schoolshape French, German, Spanish and ESL resources on your electronic whiteboard without creating an account.

2. Free Learning Platform Account

If you wish students to see the answers to questions and hand in their work to you, they must sign in.  This discourages cheating!  For security reasons, you should first register your school, then create accounts for your students.

3. Language Lab Subscription

If you wish students to record their own audio and video, and use other language lab features, your school should take out a subscription.  Language lab prices.

Q: I would like to log in as one of my students. What is their password?

A: You set the students&; passwords when you entered them into the system, but they may have changed their password since then.

You can reset their password from your account by clicking &;My Students&; , selecting a student and clicking &;reset password&

Q:  Can the recordings be accessed from anywhere, including home?

A:  Yes - all you need is a computer and access to the internet. 

Q: Is there any special software to install? 
Q: Do I need to download Schoolshape onto my computer? 

A: No. Just go to and you can use our service. 

Q. Can I set work and have a teaching assistant do the assessment?

Yes: when setting work, click the &;Advanced&; tab, then select whomever you wish from the list of staff.


Q: Which senior schools have agreed to moderate the CE Speaking Tests online? 

A: Go to Senior Schools Using Schoolshape.

Q: We are having some difficulties as when both myself and my colleague log in ( we do exams at the same time) the system logs one of us out!! 

A: You cannot log in as the same teacher twice. Each teacher must set their own exam. You will then both be able to conduct exams at the same time.

Q. Can I see exams set by another teacher?

A. Yes.  Examinations that you have recorded are visible to other teachers in your department, making it easy to divide examination duties.

Q: Is there back-up in case there is a technical problem causing the system to become unavailable?

A: The system is designed to continue recording the candidate even if there is an interruption in the junior school&;s internet connection. All data is automatically backed up. 

Q: I cannot write in the comment box!

A: In order to write a comment on a student’s work, click the ‘Add comment’ tab, then click into the yellow field provided. A cursor should then appear, inviting you to write your comment, and then click the ‘OK’ button. Your text will then be fixed (no longer editable, but with a ‘X’ in case you wish to delete it). If for some reason your comment box cannot be written or edited, simply delete it and add a new one. If this still doesn’t work, reload your browser page to clear the issue and try again. Failing this, load the page in a different browser.


Recording, Sound and Microphones

Q: My recording has a lot of background hiss, how do I get rid of it?
Q: My recording is poor quality, how do I improve this?
Q: My recording is distorted, what is happening?

A: See How to adjust the microphone level

Information For IT Staff

The following technical information is for IT staff wishing to use Schoolshape products in their schools. To learn more about Schoolshape products, please return to the Home Page.

System Requirements

  1. Broadband internet connection: at least 100kb/s per user of upload and download capacity is recommended. See Firewalls and Proxies for more information about operating Schoolshape on secured networks.
  2. A modern internet browser: We recommend Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, but any modern browser should work well. Please note that audio/video recording is not supported by Safari or any browser on iOS, though we will be soon releasing an app for iOS to work around this problem. Microsoft Edge is due to support recording from 2020 onward. For detailed RAM/CPU system requirements, please refer to the documentation for your browser.
  3. Audio / video equipment: We recommend provision of microphone headsets for situations where many students will use the software in the same room.


Installation and Set-Up

Schoolshape requires no installation, and can be used by opening in your browser.

How does recording work?

Schoolshape uses the Mediastream Recorder API present in modern browsers to access hardware microphones and accelerated media encoding.  As the audio is recorded, the compressed data chunks are written simultaneously to memory and to the hard disk using the browser IndexedDB API.  You can verify that these chunks are being written by opening the IndexedDB tab in the developer tools of your browser.
When recording is complete, the compressed data chunks are reconstituted into a complete media file and verified via a checksum.  The file is then directly uploaded to Schoolshape cloud storage, but to do so securely, a single-use access certificate must first by obtained from our server.  In the browser network tab, you will see a GET request (to /api/opi/media/unlock-upload), followed by a longer POST to as the file is uploaded.  The interface will show a grey pulsating bar as the upload proceeds, fading to blue on completion. When the upload is confirmed as successfully complete, the local IndexedDB data is cleared, but the file is kept in memory to avoid re-downloading the file if the user wishes to play it back immediately.  Recordings are made using the opus codec and webm container format as this currently offers the best quality available on all browsers that support the Mediastream Recorder API.

If the recording is instead provided via the upload button, it will be in a different format (such as mp3).  Again, an access certificate is generated and the upload to cloud storage takes place as before.  However, once uploaded the file will be immediately transcoded to the opus/webm format before playback.  This process can take up to 10 seconds for every minute of audio uploaded, but it is not neccessary to wait for it to complete before continuing to use the software.

If the internet connection is lost during recording, the recording cannot be uploaded immediately, and the user will be notified.  When the software next loads with an active internet connection, it immediately checks IndexedDB for recorded data.  If it finds any, and a user with the correct access rights is logged in, then the upload will begin immediately, fully restoring the recording.  In this way, loss of internet connection by itself should not result in a lost recording.  However there are circumstances beyond our control that could result in the loss of recording.  These include users failing to click the record button, browser or computer crashes that occur before the recording is complete or loss of internet connection combined with administrative policies or browser configuration which prevents use of IndexedDB (for example, using an incognito tab in Chrome silently deletes all IndexedDB data and therefore all recording backups).  Therefore we recommend that you use a physically separate recording device to make a backup of critical recordings such as examinations.


Login page appears correctly, but logging in fails.

If you find that the login page is loading correctly but that logging in fails, it&;s probably because https connections are being blocked by your firewall.  Please ensure your firewall allows all connections to *

Logging in appears to work, but Offline - connection failed message appears

This is caused by a failed websocket connection to wss:// Some firewalls and webfilters attempt to buffer https responses into memory before passing to the client, breaking websocket connections. We have had reports that disabling https support for connections to can solve this issue.

All features work with the exception of video and sound recording

Please see Firewalls and Proxies.

Schoolshape frequently crashes the browser

If you are using Internet Explorer, please upgrade to a newer browser.   We recommend Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for best security and performance.

How to place an order

 The core Schoolshape platform is free, but if you wish to upgrade to our premium package or subscribe to materials created by our partner publishers, you must place an order.


  1. From the Home screen, click 'Admin', then 'Subscription'
  2. Click 'Upgrade' or 'Renew subscription'
  3. Follow on-screen instructions to select your package and place an order.  Invoices and other financial documents will be automatically generated for your accounts department as you place the order.


How to type Chinese characters

Schoolshape doesn&;t provide the ability to enter Chinese characters, but it is compatible with many ways of doing this.


We recommend installing Google pinyin



MacOS has pinyin input built in! 



The iPad also has chinese input built in. 


Using the MAPLE publishing system

MAPLE is an advanced platform for publishing and monetizing educational materials.  If you are a designer or publisher, please contact us to open an account.

The basic unit of organization in MAPLE is the channel, which is the digital equivalent of a textbook or collection of resources, and can be made up of a static set of materials, or continually updated with a stream of new resources.

A channel can contain many learning and teaching resources, and is the smallest unit in which your customers will purchase access to your materials.

To create a channel, log into any Schoolshape account with publisher access rights.  Click MAPLE, then Channels, then new channel;.  Use the controls to set the channel name (as shown to customers) and adjust the subscription model, price, level of free trial access and other settings.

When you have set this up, you can visit the Library screen and drag and drop your resources into the new channel you have made.  A resource can be added to more than one channel, in which case it will be available to customers who subscribe to either channel. Your channel will be immediately available for subscription on the Schoolshape resources site corresponding to your subject.  For example, a Channel named Une Dizaine de Chansons could be found at:

To embed the materials into your own website, please contact us for further information.