How to use a Youtube video

Add a Youtube video as a stimulus:

  1. Find an appropriate video on Youtube, and copy the address in the URL bar (Ctrl-c)
  2. Log in at  Click 'Blank' to create a new, blank resource.
  3. Enter a name for your activity
  4. Select Flash Animation' from the palette on the right.  A new activity should appear.
  5. Click 'from Web', paste the address (Ctrl-v) into the box provided and click 'OK'.
  6. The Youtube video should appear on the screen.

Specifying how students should respond: 

  1. To set questions requiring written answers, click 'Text' under 'Response' in the right hand panel.
  2. To set automatically marked multiple choice questions click 'Multiple Choice'.
  3. Other kinds of activity may be created similarly.

Setting this task for your students:

  1. Click 'Set' at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the required group of students, or click 'add' to create a new group.
  3. The 'More' tab offers the following options:
    • to set a deadline
    • to allow students to communicate using the notice board
    • to share the task with colleagues by selecting a name from the list
  4. Click 'Set'.

To supervise or assess a task, select it from the Home screen.