How to give presentations
Presentations are currently limited to materials contained within the current task - you cannot for example use powerpoint slides or project your desktop yet (though we are working on it).
- Tell your students to log in, then click on your task from the Home screen.
- You will see the task in 'student view' to which you can add answers or hints in readiness for your presentation.
- Click 'Blank screens'. This will prevent the students from starting the task and focus their attention on your words, which they can hear through their headsets or speakers.
- When you and your class are ready, click 'Start Presentation'. The model answer in front of you will appear on all students' screens.
- Give your presentation as you wish
- Students can hear you talking, but you cannot hear them.
- Playing video or audio on your answer will also play it on student screens
- Filling in examples as hints will be visible to the students
- Students can raise questions by posting them on the notice board in the bottom right if you have allowed this when setting the task (How to supervise students).
- Adjusting the division between the stimuli above and responses below or scrolling them up or down will cause the students' screens to react in the same way.
- Click 'Release' to allow the students to start their task.