Support dropped for IE 6 and 7


Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7 were released in 2002 and 2006 respectively, and have now been outmoded by more recent browsers.

As part of our work to support new devices such as mobile phones and tablets, we have dropped support for these browsers in our language lab software, and are aiming to drop support for versions 8 and 9 early in 2014.  Users of out-of-date browsers will be prompted to update when they log into Schoolshape.  We recommend the following browser versions for desktop users and are committed to supporting them for the next three years:

Chrome 22+
Safari 6+
Internet Explorer 10+
Firefox 12+


Record number of CE oral exams submitted

The 2013 Common Entrance oral exams are complete, with a record number of 2,414 exams being completed between Monday and Saturday.  Schoolshape has now successfully processed over 9,000 exams totalling more than a month of recorded audio!

This year, French continued to be the most popular subject by far, Spanish gained in popularity while German stayed a relatively exclusive subject.   Also, a hearty 祝贺你们!  to two candidates at Broomwood hall who submitted the first ever Mandarin exams via Schoolshape!

  No. exams submitted May 2012 No. exams submitted May 2013
French: 2115 2199
Spanish: 175 201
German: 11 12
Mandarin: 0 2


Across all subjects, Level 1 exams made up only 7% of submissions, with Level 2 accounting for the rest.

Schoolshape Language Laboratory announce version 2.11


Schoolshape has built on the success of its Audio and Video Language Labs, developed in collaboration with 120 UK schools since 2008.


Teachers demanded an advanced language laboratory which could be operated anywhere, on any device, such as iPad, without the need for a special computer room. Operable both synchronously and/or synchronously, the lab had to be equally useful for acquiring all four language skills.



In 2013 the Schoolshape Language Lab is one of the world’s most advanced of language labs, used by thousands of teachers and learners worldwide.



Schoolshape’s unique architecture supports modern teaching methods in an easy to use package.  Differentiation and individualization is made straightforward.  An extensive library of ready-to-use language learning materials is provided for teachers and students at all levels. Our unique resource designer enables teachers to use their creativity in combining engaging materials such as YouTube videos and creative commons artwork with structured assessment.

Schoolshape users now eagerly await the rolling out of the Version 3.00 which will bring ever more sophisticated Schoolshape features onto smartphones and android tablets in addition to the existing iPad app.


Support ending for Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 and 9

From 01 September 2013, Schoolshape will be dropping support for Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7.  Users visiting the Schoolshape site with one of these browsers after this date will be asked to install a compatibility plugin or switch browsers in order to continue.  Support for versions 8 and 9 will be dropped at some point in 2014.

We recommend that Windows XP and Windows Vista users switch to the Firefox or Chrome browsers, and that Windows 7 users upgrade to Internet Explorer 10 or newer.

This update is part of our continuing efforts to ensure the best experience for users using our language labs while safeguarding their privacy and security.

New French teaching resources site launched

Schoolshape have launched a new site with free interactive french resources.  There are already over 300 resources available, including video, audio, games, covering all four key language skills and a range of ability levels from beginner to advanced. 

There are sections on the site for materials to cover particular curriculums, and practice exam papers from OpenExam.  Materials for the WJEC GCSE curriculumn are already available, and we will soon be adding sections for AQA and EdExcel syllabuses.

All materials are compatible with our language labs and learning platform.


Educational publishers, such as Revilo and MFL Consultants have opened sections on the site where they have published some of their own materials.

New resources are being added every day - please follow @frenchresources on Twitter to keep updated:

