Without communication, language is meaningless

Perhaps the most valuable assessment tool for foreign languages is a student’s audio timeline wherein is evidence of how well, how often, and how effectively they can use their target language. In fact I don’t know how teachers manage without it, or why award bodies don’t demand it. #tefl #mfl #langchat #mfltwitterati #eTwinning #earlylang #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #Vygotsky #humanize #lovelanguages #DLIC #language #curriculum #actfl #edutwitter #celebratespeaking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZMwAOHSE-Y

Update your teaching

Schoolshape is a great way to upgrade your teaching effectiveness whilst reducing your workload because you can do everything in one place .. creating resources, assigning tasks, differentiating, connecting students at home and abroad, and assessment. #tefl #mfl #langchat #mfltwitterati #eTwinning #earlylang #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #Vygotsky #humanize #lovelanguages #DLIC #language #curriculum #actfl #edutwitter #celebratespeaking https://youtu.be/lG5zzslHkeY

Magic Connect Button

The ‘Add teacher’ button on Schoolshape worksheets provides opportunities for pairing, sharing, dialogue and peer assessment. Language practice need never be a solitary exercise. #tefl #mfl #langchat #mfltwitterati #eTwinning #earlylang #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #Vygotsky #humanize #lovelanguages #DLIC #language #curriculum #actfl #edutwitter #celebratespeaking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caf19qAJUVA

Asynchronous and synchronous audio

When providing opportunities for language practice there is both asynchronous and synchronous audio, video or text. Either mode is a key to success in communication. #tefl #mfl #langchat #mfltwitterati #eTwinning #earlylang #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #Vygotsky #humanize #lovelanguages #DLIC #language #curriculum #actfl #edutwitter #celebratespeaking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c73xiAZaco

Speaking Confidence

Speaking a foreign language requires a confidence acquired only through regular, structured, teacher controlled, practice opportunities. #tefl #mfl #langchat #mfltwitterati #eTwinning #earlylang #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #Vygotsky #humanize #lovelanguages #DLIC #language #curriculum #actfl #edutwitter #celebratespeaking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuxlHpIzIn4
