Capuchin Dialogue

This clip shows how a Schoolshape video resource, combined with listening, speaking, reading and writing exercises, is used to stimulate collaborative dialogue in language learning.

Writing improvement: green updates

The ‘Cloudwriter’ app in the Schoolshape Language Lab provides structured support for helping students develop their foreign language freeform writing. Improvement can be seen in both the auto-assessed % total and the text marked in green.

How to add more students in a group to a task

A frequent event in the language classroom is when a new student joins a group, either because they are new to the school, or because they have changed classes for some other reason. This video shows how to use the group system to immediately assign tasks for them at the appropriate level.

How to connect students on everyday tasks

Language learning is not an individual endeavour, but rather an exercise in shared communication.Language learning is not an individual endeavour, but rather an exercise in shared communication.

How to share resources in your school

This video shows how to share language lab resources with other teachers in your school.
