Creating a new student group

Language learning is about skill development irrespective of age, so attainment typically varies widely from one student to the next. Assigning daily tasks suitable for every level of student is therefore a FL teacher’s headache. This video shows how to create new groups ‘on the fly’, clearing the way for easy differentiation when assigning student tasks.

Video stimuli in Schoolshape worksheets

Although video is not a prerequisite for listening practice, it is often helpful as an aide to comprehension and powerful motivator as a stimulus for speaking. This video shows how to insert video into a worksheet.

Assigning written work

The Cloudwriter app in the Schoolshape lab provides the structure needed for freeform writing by students learning a foreign language. It gives them support by pointing out errors and making suggestions for improvement whilst automatically assessing progress. This video shows how to assign written work in the language lab.

Students' Video Broadcastings in Schoolshape

Students can use a Schoolshape worksheet to share a video with a teacher or a paired student. Really useful function providing subject matter for paired conversations.

Scaffolded Writing in Schoolshape

Schoolshape language exercises provide instruction and support for developing all language skills. They are automatically graded, and even offer a scaffolded writing app to encourage self-correction, minimize assessment load, and reduce misunderstandings in collaborative work with exchange partners.
