How to share Schoolshape resources with other teachers in your school

This video explains how to share Schoolshape resources with other teachers in your school. This allows your colleagues to use the ‘assign’ button on the resource, which will then appear on the ‘to do’ list of his/her students. They will be able to complete the task which will be assessed automatically as part of the language lab mechanism.

How to give audio feedback

The teacher’s feedback is an important part of every student’s support and learning process. As there are not enough hours in the day for teachers to give as much feedback as they would like, an audio recording is quicker and easier to send than written notes.

Administration in the Library

Schoolshape administrators can access the school library of language learning resources. They can also review and try out any of the tasks.

An Administrator Sees the Student's Point of View

It is often helpful for teachers to have a look at tasks assigned by them from the student’s perspective. In Schoolshape, administrators can log in, look at an individual student’s task list and work in progress, including realtime audio.

How to make Gap-fill and Drag & Drop Exercises with any text in the Schoolshape Resource Editor

Schoolshape gap-fill and drag & drop exercises can be made quickly from any text and are great for listening or reading comprehension practice.
