Pairing with external students and teachers

Language students at all levels are best motivated if given opportunities to communicate with peers abroad. Connections with students in partner schools provide a crucial international ingredient in Schoolshape tasks.

How to make FL Listening material.

Although it’s easy to differentiate work for every student in the Schoolshape Language Lab, foreign language teachers need to have plenty of listening material ready to hand at the right levels of difficulty for their students.

Logging into the language laboratory

It couldn’t be easier for teachers and students to log in to the Schoolshape Language Lab and work together in a structured, international environment.

Video drag & drop..Listening Practice

This is an easy worksheet to make. Upload a video for the listening practice. Then upload some text and select the relevant vocabulary for students to drag and drop. When assigned as a task, the exercise will be automatically corrected by the language lab, and the score will appear on the teacher’s screen.

First Steps for Teachers using the online Language Lab

This video shows a couple of ideas for assigning a simple speaking and writing exercise.
